$1,595.00 CAD

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Basic Mediation Skills | January 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29, 2025

(Previously Mediation Skill 1 + 2)

Mediation Skill 1 + 2 have been amalgamated into our 5-day Basic Mediation Skills interactive course.  You will learn all the essential mediation skills but more streamlined in this series. 

In this training participants get their first taste of a comprehensive model for conducting interpersonal mediation while also getting a “snapshot” of the role of the professional mediator. A process that typically unfolds over a period of weeks or months will be explored over 5 action-packed days.

Skills related to conducting initial interviews, co-mediator planning, follow-up preparation/coaching and carrying out joint meetings in workplace and/or community-based situations will be explored and practiced. The course is led by two senior mediators and each training participant is provided with an opportunity to be coached by a trainer in a role play practice session.

Introduction to Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People is our foundational course, that all other courses are built on. This needs to be taken prior to any of our Mediation Workshops.  We have Introduction to Conflict Resolution at available as an On-Demand Workshop.  It may also be available for live-in person training.  To register for either of these, please visit our course schedule by click HERE.

 Please read before purchasing, Mediation Services Course Cancellation Policy.