Making Truth and Reconciliation Real


Over the last several years, Canada has seen growing interest and awareness around reconciliation.   This was spurred on, in part by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) that operated between 2008-2015.  The TRC delivered a series of final reports including their findings and recommendations for reconciliation.  This work included 94 Calls to Action which provided specific guidance on how Canadians could support reconciliation moving forward. 

Many people are interested in actively participating in reconciliation work and being part of positive change – but they don’t know where to start.  Reconciliation can seem overwhelming when you’re not sure what to do or how to do it.    

This course supports work toward reconciliation by building knowledge and inspiring change. Centered in the TRC Principles of Reconciliation, the course will help participants develop a deeper understanding of our shared history, current realities and the work of the TRC.  The agenda will also include practical ways for supporting reconciliation work, including how to implement the TRC Calls to Action. Participants will leave with both an understanding as well as practical ideas for where and how they can become involved in reconciliation.   


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Course Dates:

March 11, 2025 | 8:30am-4:00pm | In-person at Mediation Services

In this workshop, participants will: 

  • Understand the context for the TRC and the Calls to Action 
  • Gain deeper insight into what reconciliation means and how it can be implemented 
  • Review the TRC learnings and Calls to Action 
  • Reflect on ways to act on the TRC Calls to Action and Principles of Reconciliation 

Trainer: Tanya Clarke-Marinelli