Building a  Respectful Workplace

Why do I dread going to work?

How can the workplace be a safer and happier place?

Looking at the roles and responsibilities of all people in the workplace to build a happy, safe and productive environment.


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Janet Schmidt

Course Date:

March 5, 2025 | 8:30am-4:00pm | In person at Mediation Services

What you'll get from this course:

A working environment needs to be supported by respectful behaviour if it is to remain efficient and productive. Many workplaces have respectful workplace polices that are designed to protect all employees from hostile and harassing behaviour. Instituting a policy is merely the first step in creating a healthy work environment. A policy alone does not prevent employees from experiencing behaviours that range from disrespectful to threatening.    

Workplace harassment is costly. The major cost is the ongoing loss of creativity and productivity that occur when employees stop enjoying their work and mistrust permeates the environment. In many cases, the more tangible costs associated with formal grievance and investigation processes are a fraction of the larger cost to the organization. The informal costs leading up to the formal processes and the aftermath are often very debilitating to the organization.  

This course will provide participants with an opportunity to explore how to build respectful workplaces.  It is designed to be highly interactive combining both theory and practice.  Mediation Services workshops implement a broad range of techniques including role-plays, lecture, videos, and small and large group discussions. 

In this workshop, participants will: 

  • Explore experiences of disrespect; 
  • Learn how to effectively respond and recover as sourcetarget, and observer of disrespect in the workplace;  
  • Gain insight into the person in authority’s responsibility in maintaining a respectful workplace;