Transforming the Argument

What if we can’t agree to anything?

How can we finish an argument with such different views?

Here, participants develop skills to move from opposing positions to build on underlying commonalities and interests to resolve disagreements.


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Janet Schmidt

Course Dates:

February 6, 2025 | 8:30am-4:00pm | In person at Mediation Services

What you'll get from this course:

One of the barriers to effective conflict resolution occurs when people in conflict adopt hard-line positions as a means of meeting their needs.  This course is designed to increase participants’ ability to move themselves, and others, from fixed solutions to the interest-based resolution of conflicts.   Participants will learn tools for analyzing the inter-relationship of parties’ interests and for addressing the range of interests in a conflict, whether they are common, different, or incompatible. 

This one-day course provides participants with the opportunity to: 

  • develop a deeper understanding of the concept of positions and how they are motivated by underlying interests 
  • learn ways to shift judgement to curiosity 
  • understand and recognize the differences between wants, needs, and values  
  • identify common, different and incompatible interests 
  • learn ways to deal with incompatible interests 
  • learn how to say no, positively 
  • explore theories of human needs and their impact on conflict