Coaching Others Through Conflict

What do you do when coworkers, friends or family ask you for support as they struggle through conflict?

Participants will learn skills and techniques that will help them coach others towards creating lasting solutions.

Learn the importance of assessing conflict situations in order to determine the best response.


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Coaching Others Through Conflict is one of our 3 core courses.  Here's why:

Managing, navigating, preventing and processing our own situations of conflict is important to know how to do.  But what happens when that conflict isn't our own?

Most, if not all, of us have had colleagues, friends or family members approach us with a situation they need help with.

Most, if not all, people in leadership positions at work often see situations where they need to interject in a conflict or potential conflict situation, to ensure they have a functional group of productive employees.

This course exists to help you manage the conflict in life that isn't necessarily your own.


Tanya Clarke - Marinelli

Course Dates:

October 16 &,17, 2024 | 8:30am-4:00pm at Mediation Services

What you'll get from this course:

What do you do when coworkers, friends or family ask you for support as they struggle through conflict?

Participants will learn skills and techniques that will help them coach others towards creating lasting solutions.

Course Objectives

Participants attending this workshop will have the opportunity to:

  • Understand the role of a conflict resolution coach and to become aware of both its opportunities and limitations

  • Gain insight into the areas in their lives in which they play the role of coach, as well as reflect on new opportunities to influence the resolution of conflict in collaborative ways

  • Learn and practice key elements of the resolution coaching process

  • Explore the effect assumptions, about conflict, have on their responses to conflict, particularly as an informal third-party

  • Increase their ability to analyze conflict situations in the role of an informal third-party