Mediation Practice

This course represents an intensive opportunity to integrate the concepts, models, and skills learned during the other courses offered in the mediation specialization. Participants pursue these goals by engaging in role play practice (in groups of 3 or 4) before spending significant, additional focused time reviewing the practice sessions in more detail under the guidance of an experienced mediator and coach (Note: The ratio of coaches to participants is approximately 1-3). For most training participants, the completion of this course serves as the capstone (final course) towards acquiring a Mediation Skills Certificate.

The course is led by a team of seasoned practitioners and training participants are provided with opportunities to be coached and debriefed during two play practice sessions.

Introduction to Conflict Resolution, Coaching for Resolution, and Basic Mediation Skills are Prerequisites for this course.


Register Yourself
Register Someone Else
Register a Group (Bundle Pricing)


David Dyck and Janine Hogue Sansregret

Course Dates:

May 7+8, 2025 | 8:30am-4:00pm at Mediation Services

This two-day workshop provides participants with the opportunity to:  

  • Increase their overall comfort with the mediation model(s) taught at Mediation Services ; 
  • Integrate and improve the skills learned in courses such as Coaching for Resolution, Mediation Skills for Leaders, and Basic Mediation Skills (formerly titled Mediation Skills 1 and Mediation Skills 2) in a supportive environment which provides intensive, practical feedback; 
  • Deepen their understanding of concepts integral to the mediation process through focused small group, debrief sessions accompanied by an experienced mediator/coach; and 
  • Learn how to respond more effectively to the difficult moments that inevitably arise in the course of the mediation process.Â