This course represents an intensive opportunity to integrate the concepts, models and skills learned in the other mediation courses. Some of the unique features include:
- Participants engaging in lengthier simulations under the tutelage of a veteran mediator who is specifically assigned to work with one small group throughout the role play (i.e. a dedicated coach in each break out session).
- After each small group practice session there will be an initial debrief involving all 4 participants before those playing disputants return to the main room for focused tutorials to reinforce core skills.
- At the same time, those who played co-mediators will remain in the breakout rooms to engage in a much fuller debrief/learning session with their assigned coach.
Participants consistently report a high-level of learning satisfaction with this workshop. Mediation Practice is led by a larger team of senior mediators with each training participant afforded multiple opportunities to work with highly experienced professionals.
Note: Introduction to Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People and Basic Mediation Skills (formerly Mediation Skills 1+2) are prerequisites of this course.
Please read before purchasing, Mediation Services Course Cancellation Policy.